Menstrual cycle variation

In this post I talk about the menstrual cycle variation. Since I vary my lifestyle depending on where I am at in my menstrual cycle is it is vital that I know where I am at. That is why I measure for my ovulation. What I  have found […]

My favorite cheeses

In this post I talk about my favorite cheeses that I eat on more or less a daily basis. Main reason for eating them is the fermented properties, calcium, vitamin K, and protein. And of course because cheese is delicious! 😀 Cheddar Cheddar is made from cow’s milk […]

Cow vs sheep milk

On this post I cover the topic around cow vs sheep milk. Sheep milk is an A2-type milk. This means it does not contain bovine A1 beta-casein which has been identified as one of the major cow milk allergens. Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium-chain […]

The benefits of measuring health markers

In this post I talk about the benefits of measuring health markers and becoming your own health detective. Looking into the future I think that becoming your own health detective is vital to achieve your best health and also to work with prevention to not become ill. Reference […]

The benefits of a glucose monitor

Today I want to talk about the benefits of a glucose monitor. If there is any biofeedback gadget that I would recommend it is a glucose monitor. A glucose monitor can assist with a lot of biofeedback around your health. It tells you how your sleep, exercise and […]

Eating and fasting around my cycle – a big part of my toolbox

Today I want to talk to you about eating and fasting around my cycle. I will convey to you how I chose to cycle my eating and macros (fats, protein and carbs) around the menstrual cycle. For me, the difference between the ovulation phase and luteal phase is […]

Be mindful with your first meal after a fast

Please be mindful with your first meal after a fast. I always pay extra attention to that first meal. Reason why is that your body is very insulin sensitive. This means it will soak up every nutrient like a sponge. So you want to make sure that your […]

A Day in the light of long-term health

Today I want to share how a day in the light of long-term health could look like. For me this means that I pay attention to four pillars of health: sleep, stress management, exercise, and food. Sleep First thing to take into consideration is sleep. That is the […]

My first year with Oura

Today I want to talk to you about my first year of using the Oura ring. So what is a Oura ring? Well it is a “gadget” that monitor your sleep and stress levels. It measures things such as: how fast you fall asleep how long you have […]

Changes in our diet the last 50 years

Today I am reflecting on changes in our diet the last 50 years or so. And have you thought about how our bodies and its needs still is the same as several ten thousands of years ago? And how much complication this creates with our health? I also […]