What I drink during my fasting window

What I drink during my fasting window.

Even if I do not eat anything. I still drink things like green tea, preferably matcha tea, (no fruit tees) and my electrolyte mix. With lowering blood sugars, insulin levels and absence of food (especially carbs), the kidneys expel more water and with that also electrolytes. It is because of this it is important to replenish your minerals and drink plenty of fluids. To read how I make my own electrolyte mix you can go here.

Coffee during my fasting window

After I have had my first cup of tea I usually transcend to having some coffee. I usually have just black filtered or instant coffee with some salt added to it. The salt removes the acidity and bitterness somewhat of the coffee which makes it easier for me to consume. Having that extra salt while in a fasted state is also a good thing so it is a win-win situation. Lately I have also tried cold-brew coffee, this coffee has a milder taste I find and I really enjoy it.

Be mindful with caffeine

When you fast your are in stressed state with increased cortisol and adrenaline, having coffee with caffeine also tells the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Too much cortisol is not good for you so be mindful with your caffeine intake to not overwhelm yourself. Even teas can contain something called theine which gives a stimulant effect, just something to keep in mind.

To read more about your first meal after your fast you can go here.

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