The benefits of building muscles

The benefits of building muscles.

For me, one of the most important factors for vitality and an optimal long-term health is to make sure you have a good amount of muscles on your body. This is important for all of us but especially for women. As we lose our cycle, we also lose estrogen. Estrogen is anabolic just as testosterone and is a key part of being able to build muscle. I train not only for today but just as much for tomorrow. The older I get the harder it will be for me to build muscle. So making sure to “bulk up” now is my strategy to keep my vitality for many more years to come.

My best advice to you is start strength training

Want to boost your metabolism around the clock?

– Start strength-training!

Want to feel those feel-good hormones from a natural state of activity?

– Start strength-training!

Want to be able to cope better with stress?

– Start strength-training!

Want to ensure you keep your muscle mass as you grow older?

– Start strength-training!

Want to maintain and boost your vitality?

– Start strength-training!

Want to strengthen your body as well as your mind?

– Start strength-training!

Want to reduce your risk of injury, back pain, and arthritis

– Start strength-training!

Oh, did I mention the strength-training? 😉

Emphasize strength training in the follicle phase

For all women out there I have a tip for you. Emphasize strength training in the follicle phase. Here is where you have the biggest surge of estrogen which will make it easier for you to build muscle! Focus on higher weights and lower reps in this phase. When in the luteal phase you can go lighter and increase the amount of reps.

Essential amino acids(EAA)

I have also been playing around with adding some essential amino acids to promote muscles even more. To read more about protein you can go here.

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