My summary of 2023

My summary of 2023. 2023 has been a year of learning for me, learning new things within my profession at work but also finishing my studies at Paleo Institute. Also, I added a course focusing on the female aging related to hormones. So now I am a certified […]

My summary of 2022

My summary of 2022. My focus for most of 2022 has been around giving my thyroid some extra TLC. I have had some hormonal imbalances for quite some time. And this year I got a revelation around just how important the thyroid is for our hormones. It is […]

My yearly health-check 2022

My yearly health-check 2022. Hello friends! Today I want to write some words about my latest yearly health-check where I check 30 plus health markers and find out how things are on the inside. It gives me a snapshot and pointers and indicators around where I stand with […]

Summary of June 2022

On this post I give a summary of June 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle My follicle phase was slightly longer this month which made my total cycle land on 32 days. This is still within […]

I got Covid-19 – this is what I did

I am now one of the millions of people in the world who has experienced the infamous Covid-19 virus. I thought that I would share with you my experience and what measures I took along the way. My first reflection – I did not acknowledge I had it […]

Summary of May 2022

On this post I give a summary of May 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle My month is back to a very normal of 30 days and my luteal phase was 12 days this time. I […]

Summary of April 2022

On this post I give a summary of April 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle This month’s cycle was more normal in length and landed on 35 days. My luteal phase was 11 days which is […]

Best ways to support the thyroid

Best ways to support the thyroid. What is the thyroid? Well it is a gland that sits on your throat. For guys it is placed just below their Adam’s apple. It has two different parts, one located to the left and the other to the right. And a […]

Summary of March 2022

On this post I give a summary of March 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. I have reached my goal weight This month I am concluding that I have reached my goal weight! 😀 Next step is now […]

Follow-up mammography

Today I want to share my story around me getting contacted for a follow-up mammography. I still remember that day clearly when I got that letter with the information around my mammography. To read that the results was not satisfactory in order for the health care to determine […]