Guidelines for optimal health long-term

On this post I talk about my guidelines for optimal long-term health.

Taking care of my adrenals

It is important to balance your stress levels and for me that means for example no training after 3pm. Especially for us women over 40 it is so important to not overload our adrenals, they have been given the task of producing progesterone as well as cortisol (amongst other duties) and if you are not careful you might lose your sex hormones and with that also your well-being. To read more about the adrenals and adrenal fatigue please go hit..

Prioritizing my sleep and recovery

For me this means:
Going to bed by 8:30pm
No looking at screens after 7pm or use blue light blocking glasses
Finish my last meal of the day by 6pm

The best thing that you can do for optimal long-term health is to align your lifestyle to your circadian rhythm.

Making sure to eat enough protein

On my eating days I eat roughly 30% protein. Protein is so important; it is the building blocks that make out our muscle mass and the older we get the more important it is to give your body what it needs to keep your vitality. Protein is also good for satiation so make sure you always include 20 – 40 grams of protein with each meal. For more information around protein please go hit..

Balancing my eating and non-eating

We are not meant to eat all the time throughout the day, nor are we meant to be fasting all the time. To balance my eating and non-eating is for me very important to achieve long-term health.

I try to be smart with how I break my fasts

To fast is great, but if you do not pay attention to how you break your fast then you will not get the whole benefit that you could if you do it right.

I eat non-refined and non-processed foods

This means vegetables, especially the ones you find in the cruciferous family – they balance the bad estrogen in the body. It means to eat healthy fats such as organic dairy products, coconut oil, olive oil, mct oil, avocado oil, and nuts, and it means that I eat organic / wild caught meat from various sources; lamb, cow, pork, chicken, cod and salmon, variation is key.

I exercise minimum five days a week

I aim to do some type of exercise every day but at least five days a week. Our bodies are built for movement, sitting still all day long is devastating to our bodies. What I chose to do is all based upon how I feel that day, it could be anything from taking a walk or doing yoga to weight training or a HIIT workout.

I manage my stress

If something new comes into my life, whether it is something planned or not – some of my other activities that I have in my life needs to be put on hold for some time. I am very mindful around managing my stress.

I live according to my hormonal cycle

Ever since I started to pay more attention to my hormones and my menstrual cycle – I have found a whole other level of happiness and strength in my life. I am astounded by that we have not been taught to pay more attention to our hormones as we go through our school years, but I suppose that not much research has been done on the female body and our needs. It is up to you to investigate and be curious around the female body and find your way.

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