Min fastande livsstil

Hello friends!
It is time to highlight one major cornerstone in getting your best health and that is fasting. I will in future posts share more with you how I implement my fasting lifestyle. But in short it means that every other day I stretch my fasting window anywhere between 17 – 19 hours and the other days I do my normal 12 – 14 hours.

Det kvinnliga perspektivet

Now as a woman many of us has challenges, me included, as we have our menstrual cycle to pay attention to. That means that in the follicular phase (first 14 days in your cycle) I can handle more stress, so this is where I allocate most of my fasting. Fasting is an hormetic stressor (just as training for example) so one needs to be mindful about how much stress your body can handle.

As with any initiative like this it is important to know your “whys” and these are mine:

  • Lowering my triglycerides
  • Activate autophagy (starts at around 17 hours)
  • Get stronger by stress. (A slight increase of stress, which fasting is, makes your body stronger)
  • Working on my body composition
  • Improving my insulin sensitivity
  • Improving my leptin sensitivity
  • Give my digestion a break
  • Get a higher mental clarity
  • Amplify my training in metabolic flexibility
  • Get truly low insulin levels, unlocking the access to my fat stores
  • Increase growth hormone
  • Healing inside and out
  • Decreasing inflammation in the body
  • Balancing my eating and non-eating

To read about what I drink during my fast go hit..

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