Be mindful with your first meal after a fast

Please be mindful with your first meal after a fast. I always pay extra attention to that first meal. Reason why is that your body is very insulin sensitive. This means it will soak up every nutrient like a sponge. So you want to make sure that your food is nutrient dense. Especially since you deprive your body from food (the purpose of a fast) it is even more important. By neglecting this you might as well skip fasting altogether, that is how important breaking a fast is to me.

I treated myself to wild-caught cod, mushrooms, broccoli, avocado, sauerkraut, raw carrots, brazil-nuts, macadamia nuts, olive oil on my veggies, parmesan cheese and nutritional yeast sprinkled on top.

To read more about my fasting lifestyle please go hit..

Nutrition information

Wild caught cod

Cod generally provides a rich source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Cod contains less mercury than some seafood. This includes popular fish like tuna, and can be prepared in multiple ways.

Button mushrooms

They are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals and nutrients such as antioxidants, b-vitamins, copper, and potassium.


This vegetable is a member of the cruciferous vegetables family. They help you to moderate the “bad” estrogen in your body.


Avocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients. This includes 20 different vitamins and minerals. Also, they have lots of healthy fats and are a great source of potassium.


Sauerkraut is incredibly nutritious and healthy. It provides probiotics and vitamin K2, which are known for their health benefits. Sauerkraut may help you strengthen your immune system, improve your digestion, reduce your risk of certain diseases, and even lose weight. To reap the greatest benefits, try eating a little bit of sauerkraut each day.

Raw carrots

Has many health benefits but to name a few: they help your digestion, your eyes, they detox the liver and modulates the bad estrogen.

Macadamia nuts

The best type of nut in my opinion with minimum omega 6 and large amount of healthy omega 3 fats.

Nutritional yeast

Boosts my food with protein and B-vitamins.


Gives me my daily dose of selenium.

Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid is believed to have many beneficial effects and is a healthy choice to sprinkle over your vegetables.


Parmesan is a hard, aged cheese that is made from raw, unpasteurized cow’s milk that is aged for at least 12 months to kill harmful bacteria and produce a complex flavor. The final product is loaded with nutrients. Since Parmesan is rich in both calcium and phosphorus it may promote bone health. But main reason for me is that I like the taste. Since it is aged for a long time it is very low in lactose, which can instill inflammation in the body. Fermented products such as this cheese also benefits your gut bacteria.

So, there you have it, this is how I am mindful about my first meal after a fast. To find out more about food and their nutrients please visit Healthline.

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