The benefits of a glucose monitor

Today I want to talk about the benefits of a glucose monitor. If there is any biofeedback gadget that I would recommend it is a glucose monitor. A glucose monitor can assist with a lot of biofeedback around your health. It tells you how your sleep, exercise and first and foremost food is affecting your body. As you might know insulin is the fat storing hormone. It reacts to higher blood sugar from the food you eat. And if you for example are stressed from a bad night’s sleep and eat something that normally would spike your blood sugar. It will become an even higher spike because of elevated cortisol levels.

Learnings from glucose monitoring

You will learn heaps from a blood glucose monitor. The only thing is that you cannot be afraid to get your fingers pricked. 😉 Something that might be fine for me to eat might not be ok for you to eat for example. The amount of food also has an impact on the blood sugar levels. Also how you combine the different foods. What you see on this picture is a graph showing how I reacted to a particular meal where I measured 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 minutes post meal.

Metabolisk flexibilitet

By the way, the better metabolically flexible you are the better you will be able to handle different types of food. To read more about my guidelines for optimal long-term health you can go hit..

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