The benefits of measuring health markers

In this post I talk about the benefits of measuring health markers and becoming your own health detective. Looking into the future I think that becoming your own health detective is vital to achieve your best health and also to work with prevention to not become ill.

Reference ranges

What you also need understand is that the reference ranges that comes with each health marker is based on a large population. This population is most likely not eating in the best of ways or having a lifestyle that caters for an optimal long-term health. This is why you should create your own reference ranges. You do this by measuring on a regular basis and over time you will get your own specific chart based on your numbers. This means that you have a great advantage should you develop some type of disease as you hopefully can catch the signs at an early stage. I have said it before and I will say it again, you cannot manage what you cannot measure.

Today’s health care

Today’s health care is not equipped with the knowledge around what is the base for a great health. For example the importance and impact of food. There are so many illnesses that is based on the wrong lifestyle. But if you go to the doctor, you will not find yourself being guided around what lifestyle decisions you could make to improve your health or heal whatever illness you have.
Instead they will offer you a pill of some kind. Now you might wonder why this is. Let me tell you what it is – it is all about the money. Giving you lifestyle advice is not making any money for them nor the pharmaceutical companies – but selling pills will.

Where is the empowerment?

Another thing that irritates me is that today’s health care is not about empowering us and making us understand that there are so many things that is under your own control that you can do something about. To heal yourself. To overcome illness and disease. Do not ever let anyone tell you otherwise! It is all about equipping yourself with the right knowledge and to never ever give up on yourself!

Med det sagt

Now with this said, I do appreciate our health care as well, they do a lot of good things for us. Especially when it comes to emergency related issues. But for long-term health you really need to do your own homework and figure out what you need to be at your best.

A combination of the two

The best I think is to have a combination of the two. Some people do need medication of course and in combination with a healthy lifestyle it will leverage that person’s health!

What is needed?

So, what is needed for you to figure things out? Well, you need to see what impact your lifestyle is having on your health. Luckily you can measure things and find out! You cannot manage what you cannot measure. Our biochemistry is individual, things that work for me to eat might not be good for you as far as elevated blood sugar for example.

Measuring possibilities

Measuring possibilities that I currently have to my disposal includes

  • Scale for weight
  • Oura ring for sleep monitoring
  • Blood glucose monitor
  • Blood pressure measurement device
  • Test for cholesterol
  • Test for lactic acid
  • Test for ketones
  • Test for uric acid
  • Test for ovulation

Finally, I also do a yearly health check of over 30 health markers to complement my “at home” measuring.

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