Cow vs sheep milk

On this post I cover the topic around cow vs sheep milk.

Sheep milk is an A2-type milk. This means it does not contain bovine A1 beta-casein which has been identified as one of the major cow milk allergens. Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium-chain fatty acids. That means that these fats may be easier to digest due to more efficient metabolism.
Sheep milk contains higher levels of what we like to call ‘good fats’. These include medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) and phospholipids. These fatty acids are easier for us to digest, are a better source of energy and may help decrease cholesterol. Sheep’s milk fat globule size is also naturally smaller in comparison to goat’s and cow’s milk. This means that it is better for digestibility and metabolizing fat.
The uptake of important nutrients like amino acids into the bloodstream is also significantly higher in sheep milk than cow’s milk. This means that the nutrients in sheep milk are more ‘bioavailable’.

Sheep milk products

Cheese of course is a given, feta cheese is a popular one for example as well as Pecorino Romano cheese. Roquefort, a blue cheese originating from France is also a sheep cheese, I eat this for its probiotic properties. There is also yoghurt made from sheep milk. If you find yourself having issues with digesting cow milk I recommend you to try sheep milk instead. It might work better for you.

Ytterligare läsning

To read more about essential proteins and fats please click the links.

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