Vi fick Covid-19: Såhär gjorde jag

Unfortunately we got Covid-19 in our household – this is what I did to assist myself to not catch it.

Measures that I took

  • First measure was to quarantine the family-member in question.
  • Then I was making sure that at every interaction with the sick person I was wearing a face mask.
  • Washing my hands often and thoroughly.
  • Each time I touched a plate and utensils this person had used, not only did I wash my hands properly, but I also used alco-gel afterwards.
  • Luckily, we have two bathrooms so one was allocated to this person. Important is to make sure you have a good ventilation as well to air out the germs.
  • I also performed activities to deliberately get my body temperature elevated. As you know, the body’s own defense mechanism is to induce a fever when sick. By mimicking this behavior I hoped that my body would fight off any pathogens entering my body at an early stage. This could be training and breaking out in a sweat or taking a hot bath. If I had a sauna, I most definitely would have used that one too.
  • I was being extra mindful with my sleep, being sleep deprived lowers your immune system.
  • I was making sure to eat nutritious rich and dense food, keeping it on the low-carb side as well. Carbohydrates (especially refined) in higher amounts tend to elevate inflammation in the body because of too much glucose. This is certainly not what I needed at this point but not on any other occasion either for that matter. Also I ate foods naturally high in c-vitamin such as blue-berries, brussels sprouts, and strawberries.
  • I took D-vitamin supplementation to boost my immune system.
  • I also used a product called ColdZyme which assists in making sure no germs get a grip in my throat.

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