Jag reducerar plast och planerar mitt ätande

Hello friends!
Today I want to talk about reducing plastics and planning my eating. This is something that I have done for the past years. I look at it as I am “getting two birds with one stone”. In order to know how my macro ratio looks like I need to know how much I am eating of each item. And as you all know plastics is a huge problem in the world. So I have taken it as a habit to save glass jars that I can use when I earlier have used plastic bags. When I buy my protein of different kinds, mostly minced meats, I freeze them down in portion sizes and use the glass jars.

A perfect solution

This is a perfect solution where I ease my planning around my food to perfect portions and I use glass as the type of storage. Also, by doing it this way I never throw away food. I always eat what I have planned for my meals. This is also beneficial for mother nature; we should avoid throwing away food.

More around my planning

By keeping track of my macros it allows for me to try different things and see what impact different macro ratios have on my body. Recently I for example discovered that increasing my protein was beneficial. To read more about that please go hit..

Most of the time I plan out my eating for the next day so that everything is set. This minimizes time and stress during the days as I already know what I am supposed to eat. Since most of my protein is frozen it also requires planning. This is because I need to take it up from the deep freeze and put it in the fridge overnight.

My baseline

My baseline around my macros is currently 30% protein, 50 – 60% fat and 10 -20% carbs. Depending on where I am at in my cycle I vary my macros, this is a big part in my toolbox as woman. To read more about this you can go hit..

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