Såhär kan du hantera blodsockertoppar

How to improve your blood sugar response. Today I want to talk about measures you can do to improve your blood sugar response after a meal. First of all you need to have some equipment at your disposal. You cannot manage what you cannot measure. To learn how […]

I adjust my lifestyle

As I discussed in my post around activating autophagy it gave me an idea to make a small adjustment to my current lifestyle. When I am in the luteal phase, especially the last week before my period, I do not do any extended fasting. I stick to 12 […]

2022-03-18 Making the most of this day

With an awesome HRV of 68 and three hours of deep sleep I truly made the most out of this day. I love waking up and feeling refreshed and energetic. I have had great mental clarity and focus at work and gotten a lot of tasks done. On […]

Mina tankar kring fasta

Today I want to share with you my mindset around fasting. There are many healing-mechanisms that is activated when the body gets a rest from digesting food. But you also open up the door to your fat stores. It is all about balance Our bodies are built for […]

Summering av februari 2022

On this post I give a summary of February 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 hours. […]

2022-03-12 Dagens första måltid

2022-03-12 Today’s first meal. My first meal after a 20 hour fast. When you fast you deprive yourself of calories. That is the point 😉 So, when you do eat make sure that it is nutrient rich to replenish lost minerals and vitamins etc. Nutrition information Tallow fried […]

Hur jag aktiverade autofagi för min inre läkning

On this post I will talk about how I activated autophagy to boost my internal healing.As a woman I vary my lifestyle depending on where I am at in my cycle. In the follicle phase I am stronger and more resilient to stress. This is the perfect period […]

Testade du keto som kvinna och tappade din mens?

Did you try keto as a woman and lost your period? You are not alone. I was also one of them. I did a lifestyle intervention during the summer of 2019. I went on a low carb diet, and I mean low, I aimed for under 20 grams […]

De fyra hälsopelarna

The four pillars of health. I base my life for optimal long-term health on four pillars. I will do a deep dive into each pillar on this blog post. Food Reduce inflammation and increase fat burning My guideline when it comes to food is to reduce inflammation and […]