B-HbA1c – know your numbers

In this post I will talk about the health marker B-HbA1c. Knowing your numbers is critical for getting an understanding of how you are doing on the inside. You cannot manage what you cannot measure. So if you want to achieve your best health and also on disease prevention – get to know your numbers! The A1C test measures the amount of hemoglobin in the blood that has glucose attached to it. The test provides an average of your blood sugar readings for the past 3 months. So, it tells the sugar load you put on your body over time and in essence how metabolically flexible you are.

High A1C levels are indicative of uncontrolled diabetes, which has been linked to an increased risk of the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases, like stroke and heart attack
  • kidney disease
  • nerve damage
  • eye damage that may result in blindness
  • numbness, tingling, and lack of sensation in the feet due to nerve damage
  • slower wound healing and infection

Best advice to lowering your B-HbA1c

Just as with the triglycerides this health marker can be influenced by your lifestyle, and I love that! So much around our own health is in our own control. The main pillars that impact A1C in a positive manner are:

  • Träning
  • Mat

To read about the four pillars of health you can go hit..

My numbers

As you can see on the picture above this is my HbA1c measured over time since 2018. That I am below the reference ranges is just a sign that I have good margins in my carbohydrate tolerance. Much of what I am talking about on this blog is in direct correlation to keeping this health marker at an optimal level.

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