My view on liver

My view on liver.

Liver is one of the super foods out there. Reason why is because it is one the most nutrient dense foods available to us. It is rich in protein, low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

Here are some examples of the nutrient profile in 100 grams of liver from veal.

Protein:19.4 gramsVaries depending on your sex and lifestyle
Folate:1790 micrograms300
Vitamin B12:60 micrograms2
Vitamin C:32 milligrams74
Vitamin A:6602 retinol equivalents800
Potassium:310 milligrams33
Iron:8.7 milligrams12
Copper:15 milligrams0.9
Zink:3.2 milligrams8

As you can see it contains heaps of Vitamin A and you do not want to get too much of vitamin A in your body at once. It also has a large amount  of copper. Copper has an important relationship with zinc. So you do not want to overwhelm your body with high amounts of either zinc or copper at once. This is why I view liver more like nature’s multivitamin pill and have smaller amounts but more frequently.

Liver in smaller pieces
Liver in smaller pieces


I do this by cutting the liver into smaller pieces and then deep freeze it in 30-gram (1oz) batches. When I plan my eating for the coming day, I take up glass jar of liver from the deep freeze.

Liver in glass jars
Liver in glass jars

Then I fry the liver along with my main protein that I choose to eat that day for my meal.

My lifestyle has fasting incorporated into it. So liver is a great way for me to make sure that I get all the nutrients that I need. Reason why is because when you fast you intentionally deprive yourself of food. So when you do eat you need to be mindful what you eat once you open your eating window.

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