Summary of March 2022

On this post I give a summary of March 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle.

I have reached my goal weight

This month I am concluding that I have reached my goal weight! 😀 Next step is now to continue to work towards increasing my muscle mass and decrease fat mass. This means that I will increase my calories somewhat to give my body the building blocks it needs. My fasting regimen will be more of a time restricted eating rather then calorie restriction. And I will keep my moderate intake of protein. As I grow older, I feel that my body truly need the protein I am eating. Protein is the building blocks for muscles. But it also assists with healing other areas in my body which is connected to hormones and neurotransmitters. For not to mention that it keeps me satiated and stops me from snacking. To read more about the benefits of protein you can go hit..

I am running out of eggs

Looking at the length of this month’s menstrual cycle I think that I am starting to run out of eggs to complete my ovulation. My body is trying to engage my ovaries to produce a new egg but with my cycles becoming longer I think that it is becoming harder and harder. Each woman is born with a certain number of eggs. Depending on if we have been on birth control, had many babies or for any other reason not been ovulating in our life some women keep on ovulating until they are quite old. The quality of the eggs gets less and less however the older we get.

Min fastande livsstil

I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 hours. My follicle phase was once again very long this month, so I managed more fasting than normal and collected 370 hours in total.

Sleep and recovery

Looking at my average HRV I sit on 56 which I am truly happy with. This is a good indication that I have balanced my activity and recovery in a good way.


I am still seeking sustainable solutions for my digestion as I often get bloated after my meals. I will try another set of “carnivorish” diet during my next cycle to see if reducing fibers will ease things up for me. I suspect that I am suffering from SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and the best remedy for this is intermittent fasting (to give my digestion a break and give the MMC (migrator motor complex) a chance to clean out my small intestines, reducing fiber, probiotics, prebiotics, adding ACV (apple cider vinegar) before my meals and also support my gallbladder with bile.

Aerobic exercise

This cycle I have slightly changed the way I approach my walk-jogs. I am now doing it a bit more controlled by following my pulse. I aim to keep a zone two aerobic exercise pulse on my sessions. Ever since doing this I see that my HRV has increased. I have read about zone two training being a superb tool to use for longevity and with the positive changes that I have seen around my bio feedback I totally agree! It also assists with giving me a higher quality sleep!

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