How I make my electrolyte mix

In this post I will share with you how I make my electrolyte mix that I sip on throughout my fasting window.

I first boil one liter of water and let that cool down. Then I add electrolytes. The most important ones to take while fasting is sodium, potassium, and magnesium.  So I add one capsule of potassium (250mg), two capsules of magnesium glycinate (200mg) and one teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt. Then I mix everything by stirring gently, poor into a glass and then enjoy my healthy electrolyte drink!



Sodium assists with maintaining normal fluid balance and plays a key part in normal nerve and muscle function. The body is careful with making to regulate the sodium levels via the kidneys. What is not needed is excreted in your urine. You also lose sodium through sweating.

Sodium-potassium pump

I will say a few words about sodium and potassium as well. There is a special relationship between potassium and sodium (the sodium–potassium pump).  Potassium is the main electrolyte in the intracellular fluid. It determines the amount of water inside the cells. At the same time sodium is the main electrolyte in the extracellular fluid. It determines the amount of water outside the cells. The number of electrolytes relative to the amount of fluid is called osmolality. Under normal conditions, the osmolality is the same inside and outside your cells. Simply put, there’s an equal balance of electrolytes outside and inside your cells. But if you lose too much sodium the body starts releasing potassium as well. So, make sure to keep your sodium levels in a good balance and potassium will also keep a good balance.


This mineral is very reactive in water, and it has properties that allows it to conduct electricity. This is important for many processes in the body including fluid balance, nerve signals and muscle contractions. It is also important for a healthy heart, as its movement in and out of cells, it helps maintain a regular heartbeat.


Magnesium is a mineral that supports hundreds of chemical reactions in the body. This is why it is vital to make sure you get enough of it. A lot of our soils are depleted of magnesium as well. So you should not expect to get adequate magnesium simply via food. To supplement between 400 – 600 mg per day of magnesium is what I am for.

Low insulin levels make you lose more water

When you do not eat your blood sugar drops and also your insulin levels. This means that the kidneys begin to expel water and along with the water it also flushes out electrolytes. This is why it is so important to make sure you add them back again by making an electrolyte mix 😀👍

To read more about my fasting lifestyle you can go hit..

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