Let us do a deep dive in Vitamin K2

Let us do a deep dive in Vitamin K2.

What is Vitamin K2 and why do you need it?

Well it is a fat-soluble vitamin needed for properly functioning blood coagulation. It was initially called “Koagulationsvitamin” (1). And that is where the K in vitamin K comes from. Both Vitamin K1 and K2 are needed to ensure healthy blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding, and bruising when blood vessels get injured. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is found in plant foods such as leafy greens. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is found in animal foods and fermented foods. (2) In this post, I will focus on vitamin K2.

There is currently no recommended intake set for vitamin K2. But scientists studying the effects of this vitamin suggest its benefits come with a daily intake of 10 – 45 micrograms. You can supplement with vitamin K2. But it is more effective by consuming it from food (3).

Calcium metabolism and heart health

Besides the essential functions already mentioned vitamin K2 regulates calcium deposition. What this means is that it makes sure that is shuffles the calcium into the bones. This is important because we do not want too much calcium in the blood stream. As you might know calcium buildup in the arteries around your heart is a huge risk factor for heart disease.

In what foods can you find Vitamin K2?

Here are some examples.

Food (4)Micrograms (mcg) per 100g
Natto (fermented soybean)939
Beef liver263
Pork chops with bone75
Camembert cheese68
Roquefort cheese38
Organic egg yolk33
Cheddar cheese23
Feta cheese11
Chicken breast9
Pecorino cheese9
Parmesan cheese0.3
Table of foods with vitamin K2

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