My summary of 2023

My summary of 2023.

2023 has been a year of learning for me, learning new things within my profession at work but also finishing my studies at Paleo Institute. Also, I added a course focusing on the female aging related to hormones. So now I am a certified nutrition and health coach and also a certified female hormone consultant! 🥳🎉🎉

With this competence in my backlog, I have also started my own company during 2023 – say hello to TMT Wellness! 👋 I have a passion for health and a passion for helping others reach their full potential around health, based on their own prerequisites! So now I hope this dream of mine will come true – that I will be able to help other people. What can be more rewarding than that? 😊

My training summary

When it comes to my training, I have cut back slightly on my strength training lately to give room for more aerobic training. I feel my thyroid is at a better place now and with my goal to focus on long-term health it is important with an optimal Vo2Max. So, starting in August, I have now included HIIT aerobic training into my regimen.

My training now looks something like this; three strength training sessions per week, two HIIT aerobic trainings per week, one – two zone-two runs per week and at least 7000 steps per day. This training load works nicely for me, it gives me that push I need to keep on developing but it is not too much so that I get over trained and get negative effects from my training.

My summary of 2023
My summary of 2023

A few words about my body composition

This year I have managed to lose roughly 1.5 kg. And I have done it in such a way that I am more resilient when it comes to my carb load and how much calories I consume. With that I mean that even if I eat up to 150g of carbs one day or a few days in a row – or if I eat 2000 calories or slightly more one day – my body will not immediately store these calories and hang on to them as fat. It is more acceptable about it. At least that is my experience. We will see what the future shows around it.

Going forward

Looking into 2024 I hope that I will be able to help people with their health, all I need is for them to give me a chance and I will show them that it is possible to get a better health using your lifestyle as a tool!

So, with this little summary I want to wish all of you a happy new year! 🥳🎉🎉

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My mast cells trigger histamine sensitivity.

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