Om mig

Let me share some of my history

I am a woman 40 plus of age who for the last seven years have had a deep interest in long-term health. It all started from me being inspired by a former triathlete that I followed on social media. He opened up my eyes to the importance of food and I began to think more about what I put in my body.

Next step in my journey in learning about health came when I unfortunately got exhausted early 2016. I basically ran into “the wall”.

  • Having young kids
  • Not having the right prerequisites to do my job
  • Unempathetic manager
  • High ambitions
  • Had not yet learned to listen to myself
  • Difficulty to set boundaries and say no

All of these parameters set me up for bad health and I had to go on a long-term sick leave.

I got my priorities right in life

But I am a positive person and this setback in my life taught me a lot of things. It led me into this path that I am right now. I am honestly thankful for this life lesson because it set my priorities right in life. I came to terms with what is actually important for me. And also to become better at saying no to things. From this I formed a very strong “why” for myself which is now my guiding star in life.

If do not take care of myself and make sure I have my health, how can I be the best mother I can be? How can I be the best wife, daughter, colleague? And how can I do things that I enjoy in life?

My ambition is to keep chronic illness out of sight and cater for a happy, long and healthy life.

All of these things, is the answer to my “why”. It keeps me motivated to focus on my long-term health and do what is necessary with my lifestyle.