Summary of June 2022

On this post I give a summary of June 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle My follicle phase was slightly longer this month which made my total cycle land on 32 days. This is still within […]

Summary of May 2022

On this post I give a summary of May 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle My month is back to a very normal of 30 days and my luteal phase was 12 days this time. I […]

Summary of April 2022

On this post I give a summary of April 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle This month’s cycle was more normal in length and landed on 35 days. My luteal phase was 11 days which is […]

På vilken väg i livet går du?

Which path in life are you walking on? Have you come to a crossroad, and it is time for a change? Have you been misled in what constitutes a healthy lifestyle? Or perhaps you have not reflected on the impact of your lifestyle on your health? Either way, […]

2022-03-18 Making the most of this day

With an awesome HRV of 68 and three hours of deep sleep I truly made the most out of this day. I love waking up and feeling refreshed and energetic. I have had great mental clarity and focus at work and gotten a lot of tasks done. On […]

Summering av februari 2022

On this post I give a summary of February 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 hours. […]

De fyra hälsopelarna

The four pillars of health. I base my life for optimal long-term health on four pillars. I will do a deep dive into each pillar on this blog post. Food Reduce inflammation and increase fat burning My guideline when it comes to food is to reduce inflammation and […]

The benefits of building muscles

The benefits of building muscles. For me, one of the most important factors for vitality and an optimal long-term health is to make sure you have a good amount of muscles on your body. This is important for all of us but especially for women. As we lose […]

Vad är Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) för något?

What is the Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) index? Well, it was created by Thomas Seyfried from Boston College. He developed the GKI as a measure to predict how more accurately a therapeutic ketogenic diet will work for the treatment of brain tumors. It is simply a ratio between […]

Summering av Januari 2022

On this post I give a summary of January 2022 by looking at what think are the main success factors in my lifestyle for this cycle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 […]