Summering av Januari 2022

On this post I give a summary of January 2022 by looking at what think are the main success factors in my lifestyle for this cycle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 […]

Eating and fasting around my cycle – a big part of my toolbox

Today I want to talk to you about eating and fasting around my cycle. I will convey to you how I chose to cycle my eating and macros (fats, protein and carbs) around the menstrual cycle. For me, the difference between the ovulation phase and luteal phase is […]

Be mindful with your first meal after a fast

Please be mindful with your first meal after a fast. I always pay extra attention to that first meal. Reason why is that your body is very insulin sensitive. This means it will soak up every nutrient like a sponge. So you want to make sure that your […]

A Day in the light of long-term health

Today I want to share how a day in the light of long-term health could look like. For me this means that I pay attention to four pillars of health: sleep, stress management, exercise, and food. Sleep First thing to take into consideration is sleep. That is the […]

What I drink during my fasting window

What I drink during my fasting window. Even if I do not eat anything. I still drink things like green tea, preferably matcha tea, (no fruit tees) and my electrolyte mix. With lowering blood sugars, insulin levels and absence of food (especially carbs), the kidneys expel more water […]

Min fastande livsstil

Hello friends!It is time to highlight one major cornerstone in getting your best health and that is fasting. I will in future posts share more with you how I implement my fasting lifestyle. But in short it means that every other day I stretch my fasting window anywhere […]