Reflektioner kring stress ur ett kvinnligt perspektiv

Reflecting on stress from a female perspective. The picture to this post shows the different prerequisites that I have as a woman. Purely from a hormonal perspective. Without me inflicting any external stressors in my life, just living my life. The biofeedback data to the left is from […]

I adjust my lifestyle

As I discussed in my post around activating autophagy it gave me an idea to make a small adjustment to my current lifestyle. When I am in the luteal phase, especially the last week before my period, I do not do any extended fasting. I stick to 12 […]

Testade du keto som kvinna och tappade din mens?

Did you try keto as a woman and lost your period? You are not alone. I was also one of them. I did a lifestyle intervention during the summer of 2019. I went on a low carb diet, and I mean low, I aimed for under 20 grams […]

The benefits of building muscles

The benefits of building muscles. For me, one of the most important factors for vitality and an optimal long-term health is to make sure you have a good amount of muscles on your body. This is important for all of us but especially for women. As we lose […]

Summering av Januari 2022

On this post I give a summary of January 2022 by looking at what think are the main success factors in my lifestyle for this cycle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 […]

Menstrual cycle variation

In this post I talk about the menstrual cycle variation. Since I vary my lifestyle depending on where I am at in my menstrual cycle is it is vital that I know where I am at. That is why I measure for my ovulation. What I  have found […]

Eating and fasting around my cycle – a big part of my toolbox

Today I want to talk to you about eating and fasting around my cycle. I will convey to you how I chose to cycle my eating and macros (fats, protein and carbs) around the menstrual cycle. For me, the difference between the ovulation phase and luteal phase is […]

My summary of 2021

On this post I will give you my summary of 2021. This year has been about elaborating further around the four pillars of health that is my base for a long-term healthy lifestyle: sleep, food, exercise, and stress management. I love to study and to also put my […]