My view on liver

My view on liver. Liver is one of the super foods out there. Reason why is because it is one the most nutrient dense foods available to us. It is rich in protein, low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some examples of […]

Cow vs sheep milk

On this post I cover the topic around cow vs sheep milk. Sheep milk is an A2-type milk. This means it does not contain bovine A1 beta-casein which has been identified as one of the major cow milk allergens. Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium-chain […]

Be mindful with your first meal after a fast

Please be mindful with your first meal after a fast. I always pay extra attention to that first meal. Reason why is that your body is very insulin sensitive. This means it will soak up every nutrient like a sponge. So you want to make sure that your […]

The importance of essential fatty acids

In this post I want to talk to you about the importance of essential fatty acids (EFAs). The reason why we call them essential is because it means that the body cannot make them. They need to come from your diet. The EFAs are based on linoleic acid […]