My summary of 2023

My summary of 2023. 2023 has been a year of learning for me, learning new things within my profession at work but also finishing my studies at Paleo Institute. Also, I added a course focusing on the female aging related to hormones. So now I am a certified […]

My yearly health-check 2022

My yearly health-check 2022. Hello friends! Today I want to write some words about my latest yearly health-check where I check 30 plus health markers and find out how things are on the inside. It gives me a snapshot and pointers and indicators around where I stand with […]

2022-05-22 Today’s lunch

2022-05-22 Today’s lunch. Organic ghee friend minced meat from lamb, liver from beef, steamed sweet potatoes with sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top, lightly fried garlic, Roquefort cheese, asparagus, cauliflower, and Brazil-nuts. Since I am in the luteal-phase I add some healthy carbs in the shape […]

How to make delicious sweet potato-fries!

Hello friends! On this post I will show you how to make home-made delicious sweet potato-fries! What is sweet potatoes? First I will give a quick introduction to sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are starchy root vegetables that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also high […]

Bästa sätten att stötta sköldkörteln

Best ways to support the thyroid. What is the thyroid? Well it is a gland that sits on your throat. For guys it is placed just below their Adam’s apple. It has two different parts, one located to the left and the other to the right. And a […]

Metabolic switching in practice

Metabolic switching in practice. Hello friends! Today I want to share with you what metabolic switching can look like in practice as I just experienced it! The follicle phase – the strong phase I am in my strong phase again of my menstrual cycle and thereby incorporate fasting […]

My view on liver

My view on liver. Liver is one of the super foods out there. Reason why is because it is one the most nutrient dense foods available to us. It is rich in protein, low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some examples of […]

Follow-up mammography

Today I want to share my story around me getting contacted for a follow-up mammography. I still remember that day clearly when I got that letter with the information around my mammography. To read that the results was not satisfactory in order for the health care to determine […]

På vilken väg i livet går du?

Which path in life are you walking on? Have you come to a crossroad, and it is time for a change? Have you been misled in what constitutes a healthy lifestyle? Or perhaps you have not reflected on the impact of your lifestyle on your health? Either way, […]

One of my favorite breakfasts

One of my favorite breakfasts. Four slices of organic bacon fried in organic ghee or tallow. Along with small shrimp (100g) that I let fry in the pan with the bacon quickly at the end for flavor 👌😍 “Carnivorish” start and finish of my eating window I usually […]