Såhär kan du hantera blodsockertoppar

How to improve your blood sugar response. Today I want to talk about measures you can do to improve your blood sugar response after a meal. First of all you need to have some equipment at your disposal. You cannot manage what you cannot measure. To learn how […]

I adjust my lifestyle

As I discussed in my post around activating autophagy it gave me an idea to make a small adjustment to my current lifestyle. When I am in the luteal phase, especially the last week before my period, I do not do any extended fasting. I stick to 12 […]

2022-03-18 Making the most of this day

With an awesome HRV of 68 and three hours of deep sleep I truly made the most out of this day. I love waking up and feeling refreshed and energetic. I have had great mental clarity and focus at work and gotten a lot of tasks done. On […]

2022-03-12 Dagens första måltid

2022-03-12 Today’s first meal. My first meal after a 20 hour fast. When you fast you deprive yourself of calories. That is the point 😉 So, when you do eat make sure that it is nutrient rich to replenish lost minerals and vitamins etc. Nutrition information Tallow fried […]

Hur jag aktiverade autofagi för min inre läkning

On this post I will talk about how I activated autophagy to boost my internal healing.As a woman I vary my lifestyle depending on where I am at in my cycle. In the follicle phase I am stronger and more resilient to stress. This is the perfect period […]

De fyra hälsopelarna

The four pillars of health. I base my life for optimal long-term health on four pillars. I will do a deep dive into each pillar on this blog post. Food Reduce inflammation and increase fat burning My guideline when it comes to food is to reduce inflammation and […]

2022-02-27 Dagens första riktiga måltid

2022-02-27 Today’s first proper meal after a 17 hour long fasting window 👌😀 Tallow fried organic pork cutlets, steamed broccoli and brussels sprouts with organic pumpkin seeds, olives, strawberries, pecorino romano cheese, beetroot, sundried tomatoes, brazil-nuts, and nutritional yeast sprinkled on top. Nutrient information for my first meal […]

Jag reducerar plast och planerar mitt ätande

Hello friends!Today I want to talk about reducing plastics and planning my eating. This is something that I have done for the past years. I look at it as I am “getting two birds with one stone”. In order to know how my macro ratio looks like I […]

Vikten av tillräckligt med protein för viktnedgång

The importance of eating enough protein for weight loss is what I will discuss in this post. This was the missing piece of the puzzle to finally break through my weight stall. At least that is my current hypothesis. What you see in this chart is the orange […]

The benefits of building muscles

The benefits of building muscles. For me, one of the most important factors for vitality and an optimal long-term health is to make sure you have a good amount of muscles on your body. This is important for all of us but especially for women. As we lose […]