Testade du keto som kvinna och tappade din mens?

Did you try keto as a woman and lost your period? You are not alone. I was also one of them. I did a lifestyle intervention during the summer of 2019. I went on a low carb diet, and I mean low, I aimed for under 20 grams […]

Vikten av tillräckligt med protein för viktnedgång

The importance of eating enough protein for weight loss is what I will discuss in this post. This was the missing piece of the puzzle to finally break through my weight stall. At least that is my current hypothesis. What you see in this chart is the orange […]

The importance of metabolic flexibility

In this post I talk about the importance of metabolic flexibility. We are not meant to be a sugar burner all the time, nor are we meant to be a fat burner all the time. My goal is to become metabolically flexible. For me, this is a huge […]