Vikten av tillräckligt med protein för viktnedgång

The importance of eating enough protein for weight loss is what I will discuss in this post. This was the missing piece of the puzzle to finally break through my weight stall. At least that is my current hypothesis. What you see in this chart is the orange […]

The importance of protein in your diet

In one of my earlier posts I shared what I focus on for my long-term health and one of them was to make sure I get enough protein. Today I will elaborate further on the importance of protein in your diet. Protein is made up of several smaller […]

Guidelines for optimal health long-term

On this post I talk about my guidelines for optimal long-term health. Taking care of my adrenals It is important to balance your stress levels and for me that means for example no training after 3pm. Especially for us women over 40 it is so important to not […]