Summary of April 2022

On this post I give a summary of April 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My cycle This month’s cycle was more normal in length and landed on 35 days. My luteal phase was 11 days which is […]

Summary of March 2022

On this post I give a summary of March 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. I have reached my goal weight This month I am concluding that I have reached my goal weight! 😀 Next step is now […]

Reflektioner kring stress ur ett kvinnligt perspektiv

Reflecting on stress from a female perspective. The picture to this post shows the different prerequisites that I have as a woman. Purely from a hormonal perspective. Without me inflicting any external stressors in my life, just living my life. The biofeedback data to the left is from […]

Summering av februari 2022

On this post I give a summary of February 2022 by looking at the most important factors that I pay attention to around my lifestyle. My fasting lifestyle I followed my every other day fasting variation in the follicle phase where I fasted between 17 – 19 hours. […]

Guidelines for optimal health long-term

On this post I talk about my guidelines for optimal long-term health. Taking care of my adrenals It is important to balance your stress levels and for me that means for example no training after 3pm. Especially for us women over 40 it is so important to not […]